Performances by Justine Hamlin, Clarinetist


J.S. Bach (1685-1750) - Chromatic Fantasia

Bela Kovacs (b 1937)- Hommage a M. de Falla

“Hommage a M. De Falla” by Bela Kovacs was performed as part of the Fall 2020 Student Clarinet Recital which occurred online over Zoom.

Claude Debussy (1862-1918)- Premiere Rhapsodie

This performance of Debussy’s “Premiere Rhapsodie” was given at a recital in Aptos, CA in May of 2015.

During the COVID-19 shelter-in-place I purchased a microphone that plugs into my iPhone and began making at home videos. Here is a collection of home performances that have been edited together with multiple asynchronous tracks.

YouTube Channel Highlights (scroll for more videos below)

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Thornton EDGE New Music Ensemble

In addition to classical and romantic standards of clarinet repertoire, I also love new music. Recordings from 2013